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Community of Artist, Animators, and Writers alike. Sharing ideas and projects, and having fun!

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What is

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1What is Empty What is Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:00 pm



What Is What is it for? is A forums Site or Community, for Artist, Animators, Writers, ect. to shear there latest projects as far as there art work, animations, films, photos, and writing pieces.

Why did you create

I made so that Artist, Animators, And Writers will have a place to Post there projects and creations and Have others give them feed back on what they think of it. It helps Keep Artist, Animators, and Writers feel supported in there work and makes them want to keep going and never quit.

How can members Get there work more viral after they Post there work?

Members have a chance to get there work Posted in the "IllexArt Spot light" forum Depending on the quality of there work, like if the art has a special touch to it that makes it stand out it will get posted there for everyone to see.

Are There More ways to get Member's Work really Viral?

Videos and Animations Made by Members may be Posted on our YouTube channel "IllexArtTV". Members are given Full Credit for there Own Work.

So how dose some one become a member?

Simple. Anyone can make a free account by registering By clicking the link on the top right of the main page. After they have fill out the required information they must Check there Email address and click the conform link given.

How dose a new member get started?

A new member can get started by introducing themselves to the community by posting a new topic under "introduce your self" forum under general on the Main page.

Will there be some kind of activates for the members of

Yes. will Hold Events and Contests Relating to Art, Writing, Animation, or film. Members can earn Prizes Such as T-shirts, Posters, and sometimes even cash!

Is there anyway a member can help Move forward In more Events, Prizes, and Funds?

Yes. Members can give a donation, to help Support and the Events and Community. 100% of the donations given Go for needs.

Have Any words you would like to say to the members and guest of

Be encouraged to Move forward in your Projects. If you feel that your Work is not then best Don't give up, Everyone starts some where. Never Quit and you can be among the greatest.

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